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Kingsleigh Primary School

Year 1

Year 1 Team

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The Wider Curriculum

History - In History we will be learning all about the Great Fire of London. We will start by investigating what it was like to live in London in the 17th century and learning how, when and where it started. We will be looking at historical artifacts such as Samel Pepy's diary to find out more information about what it was like to live through the fire and gain and understanding of how London was rebuilt. 

Art - In Art we will learn the technique of printing and explore different artists that use this as their primary technique. We will be using our Oceanarium visit as inspiration to print different sea creatures using an array or different shapes and styles.

Music - This half term we will be continuing our focus on pulse and identifying this in different types of music. We will use the glockenspiels and learning the notes C, G and E. Additionally, we will be listening and appraising the sound track for Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and considering how the music helps to tell the story. 

Computing - In computing we will be making our own e-stories using Purple Mash as a tool. We will apply what we have learnt in our English to understand the components that a story needs. We will be exploring a range of different ebooks and investigate the difference between ebooks and traditional books.

RE- This half term we will be learning about Christianity in RE with a focus on parables.  We will be looking at what a parable is, reading some parables from the new testament and interpreting what Christians think these stories might tell them about God.  

Science - In Science we will be explore different materials and their uses. We will learn why it is important to carefully consider the properties of different materials and their usefulness for different jobs.  

PE - This half term we will be focussing on our athletics skills and getting ourselves ready for Sports day later in the term. We will also be focussing on striking in team sports by playing baseball, tennis and cricket. 

Jigsaw - In Jigsaw this half term we will be exploring relationships and how these can be important in our lives. We will consider the relationships that we have with others and learn how to be respectful friends. 


English - This half term we will be learning a new text map for the story 'Somebody Swallowed Stanley' by Sarah Roberts. We will use this as inspiration to write our own narratives and we will focus on including a beginning, middle and end to a story. 

Handwriting - We will be continuing to perfect our formation of initial sounds by practising our Year 1 tricky words and will be working hard to ensure that our writing is sitting neatly on a line.

Phonics - This half term we will be reviewing all that we have learnt in year 1 with the phase 5 graphemes in preparation for the Phonics Screening check. The content that we will be reviewing is:

Reading - This half term we will be reading 'Lucy & Tom at the Seaside' by Shirley Hughes. This is a lovely book all about what you could find and explore at the seaside. We will be following Lucy and Tom on their journey as they have a fantastic day out together. During this unit we will focus on developing our love of reading and fluency by reading the book together as a class.


Recommended Reads for Year 1

Reading at KPS - Information for parents


Maths - We will be starting the term by introducing the children to multiplication and division. During this unit we will learn to count in multiples of 2, 5 and 10 and work to share and group objects. We will be using a range of practical resources and images to support the children with this. 



We will be moving onto learning about fractions and how a shape can be split into equal parts. We will teach the children to recognise the whole, half and quarter of a shape and how this can be represented in different ways. 

We will then move on to finding half and a quarter of a quantity by sharing objects into equal groups.

 Year 1 Gallery

Year 1