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Kingsleigh Primary School

Year 3

 Year 3 Team

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The Wider Curriculum

Music- We will be looking at the song 'Bring us together', a song all about friendship, peace, hope and unity.  We will be learn the lyrics and discussing the different musical features whilst appraising a wider variety of genres. We will also continue to practise the recorder and Glockenspiels. 

History- In History, we will be continuing along our historic timeline and enter the world of the Romans! We will be answering our enquiry question 'How did life change for people living in Roman Britian?'. We will be learning about who the Romans were, why they invaded Britian and look at changes they bought. We will also learn about influential and powerful Romans, such as Ceasar and Boudicca. 

RE- This term, year 3 will be developing their understanding of Judaism. We will be answering our enquiry question 'What symbols and stories help Jewish people remember their covenant with God?'. We will be learning different Bible stories, such as Noah and stories of Abraham. We will relate the teaching to our lives and look at promises. We will look at different traditions in the Jewish community and the practices they carried out and discuss how this shows their commitment to God. 

Science- As Scientists, we are going to become botanists and look at the function of different parts of a flower and the requirements of plants to grow. We will be carrying out investigations in how water is transported within plants and develop our understanding of the life cycle of a flowering plant. 

PE-  In PE we will be gearing up for Sports day with a focus on different athletic sports. They will be develop core skill in throwing, catching, jumping, agility and more to help them be the best versions of themselves in time for sports day later on in the term. 

Computing- This half term we will begin to look at how different choices can affect outcomes in the computing world. Children will look at branching databases and how we can use these to classify objects into different groups through answering a series of questions. We will explore computer simulations, looking at both real world and imagery simulations and how we can use these to help us test predictions. 

Art- This term in Art,  we will be looking at story telling through line drawing and linear perspective. Children will improve their mastery of drawing and their use of pencil and charcoal as well as learning about some great artists; Leonardo Da Vinci, Laura Carlin and Shaun Tan. 

Jigsaw- This half term our unit is called 'Relationships'. We will be developing our understanding of family roles and social skills of friendships and express our appreciation for people in our lives. We will discuss the impact of being a Gobal citezen and the impact different peoples work has on our lives. 


Spelling- We will continue to practise: 

  • the 'zz' sounds spelt with 's' eg. vision
  • the 'j' sound spelt with -dge and -ge at the end of words. 
  • the 'n' sound spelt 'kn' 
  • the 'r' sounds spelt 'wr' 

As well as practising common expectation words weekly for our home learning. 

Writing- In English we will  be looking at writing Diary entries. We will revisit the book 'Hurricane' and imagining we are a character in the story, writing about our day. We will also, look at the text 'Storm Whale' and independently write a diary entry from the point of view of Noi. During this unit, we will revisit past tense and first person and focus on how we can express our emotions in different ways through writing. Secondly, we will be compiling all of our History learning about the Romans into a fact file.  

Reading- This half term, we will be applying our retrieval and comprehension skills that we have developed, through reading 'The Iron Man' by Ted Hughes. We will continue to focus on new vocabulary and inference stills. 


Our reading for pleasure books this half term is: Leonora Bolt- Secret inventor by Lucy Brandt  & Gladys Jose

Some other books children may be interested in around our topics and book authors being read in school this half term are: 









Recommended Reads for Year 3

Reading at KPS - Information for parents

 Writing tips


Maths - This half term we will be developing our knowledge of fractions. We will be learning about unit and non- unit fractions- looking at what a numerator and denominator as well as learning how to compare and order fractions. Later in the summer term, we will be looking at adding and taking away fractions and how to calculate fractions of number and objects. 

 Year 3 Gallery

Year 3