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Kingsleigh Primary School

Year 5 

Year 5 Team

Click here to see the Year 5 team

The Wider Curriculum

Science: this half term, children will be learning about the changes we go through from birth to old age. We will understand how we all grow and learn at different rates and understand milestones we go through throughout our lives.

Computing: we will be becoming game creators in this half term. We will be coding our own games and publishing them online for friends and families to enjoy too. 

Jigsaw: in this half term, the children will be understanding relationships. We will have a special focus on the relationships we have online and how our online presence can have a positive and negative impact on our everyday relationships with friends and families. 

Art: this half term, the children will be exploring the work of Georgia O'Keeffe and Vanessa Gardiner to inspire their own work on landscapes. We will use their techniques and skills as inspiration for our own pieces later on in the unit and continue to develop some of our key artist skills. 

Music: we will continue our learning of rhythm and tempo through a Motown hit - Dancing in the street! We will be using different instruments to help learn new notes and put them into sequences to replicate parts of the song. 

History: our attention in History this half term is during this half term will be the Ancient Greeks. The children will understand how the lives of people from the past have impacted our lives today and why we should be thankful for their inventions and creations.

RE: this half term we will be continuing to learn about Christianity and the importance of the gospel. We will learn about religious stories from the Gospels and how they can positively promote values in everyone.

PE: this half term, the children will be gearing up for Sports day with a focus on different athletic sports. They will be develop core skill in throwing, catching, jumping, agility and more to help them be the best versions of themselves in time for sports day later on in the term. 


Recommended Reads for Year 5

Reading at KPS - Information for parents

Reading: this half term, we will be reading The White Giraffe. This story is based in South Africa when a young girl is sent to live with her grandmother after the death of her parents.  A heart warming tale about friendship and trust that will hook the children in from the start. We will have a special focus on improve the fluency and speed of our reading and then comprehending what5 we have read., 

Writing:  the Greeks are famous for their play and bringing the theatre to life, so this half term we will begin by writing play scripts inspired by Greek mythology. The children will be focusing on the features of playscripts and using their imagination to bring their scripts to life. The children will be performing some of their work too. We will then be using a short clip called 'The Piano' to the children to write their own narrative inspired by the events from the clip. 

Spellings: we will be focusing on the following suffixes: -able, -ably, -ible, -ibly, -cial and -tial. The children will then be looking at applying these new suffixes into a range of writing genres. 


Maths: as we start the half term, we will begin learning about angles and shapes. Our focus on geometry will allow the children to use elements of the four operations to calculate missing angles too. We will continually consolidate the work we have previously learnt and ensure that they have the tools they need to succeed towards the end of Year 5.  

 Year 5 Gallery


Year 5 Gallery